Saturday, October 23, 2010

Quickly next day!

today is sat! tmr is Sun! I am goin to Chinatown tmr.I am very exciting although i go there hundred is diff,we r goin there for some clothes and jacket....and more! For our China Trip!!!! Yay! I can go to OG and This Fashion! cool.....wish mom can buy toys or something fun for me~

My happy day

Sorry for nv coming to Blogger for so many months! but.....i am happy as i am goin to china soon! jus next year jan!!!! and my uncle is comin to S'pore next month! Cool! I wish dat day come faster!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sorry for not coming to blogger so long

sorry for not coming to blogger so long! cuz i have no time to spend on blogger.juz playing fantage,facebook,window live messenger and youtube.but i will try to spend more time on blogger to share my feelings with all of u! bye everyone! going to sleep soon!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Saturday time

Yay! finally is Weekend! Today i am going to Tampines with my Father.also buying national day's clothes.Red and using china people webside for chatting,it is the poupular one,QQ...chatting with my Uncle FUN.!

Friday, July 9, 2010

So bored

I am so BORED! nothing to do,even computer is also bored. I wish I can have PSP or DS........but my father say need to wait until the report book and see wherether my marks is at least difficut. Jan-May is 357.00 June-Nov need 360.00!......

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



Oh No!

Wish yesterday spelling and 听写 correct! I am very afarid of my father would scold me for nv getting full marks! wish it will be correct! Pls........

Monday, July 5, 2010

National Day !

Yay! you feel happy? NATIONAL DAY is coming!!!! I like it because can sing national songs! and take singapore flag! my father promise me to buy a big singapore flag to hang on my block's wall! Yay!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Veryyyyyy. HAPPY!

I am so happy today! as Next Thursday our teacher is bringing us to MARINA BARRAGE! so happy of this think! everyday i am thinking of thursday quickly come......but there is still 1 more week!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Today i went to wild wild wet!!!! it was fun! my dad buy a swimming suit for my brother....he dont want pants is because of my brother back will be very red....we went to a place that can swim but it was deeper and deeper went you continue walking....we walk until 1.8m!!!!!! my dad also cannot touch the ground!!!!! I was very scared! almost cry! my brother cry very loud! we sit on a float but still scared that we will fall down...we hold each others hand very brother put off my dad's hand and float away...he cry LOUD!!!!! and a big girl that know how to swim save him from the deepest places to my father.and a big water splash us out of the deppest places...and we went until 0.9m this i can touch the floor....ok say until here,BYE!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tomorrow Trip!!!!!

tomorrow i am going to take the SINGAPORE FLYER!!!!! and it's FREE!!!! before we go and take the SINGAPORE FLYER...we have a lot of activity at a station! got games for children and things for adult to listen! and Shuttle Bus to SINGAPORE FLYER!!! COOL!!!!!!

Fun webside

Hi, sorry for i will continue to sugg webside to u! THX.... if you want to play Hello Kitty games,u can go to if u want to play girls games u can go to! if u want to play hot game for girls, u can go to and more..... like , ,, , .....remember the 2 games i give u yesterday??? give u again! and !!!! ok is just these...if i have more or new games,i will put on blogger again!!!! Bye

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Some Fun webside

Suggest ur some FUN webside some is about games! like... ..... more!!!!! i will tell your more tmr!!! sory as i was quite busy!! BYE!

The food today!...

Today eat what?? guess.....answer is........Curry Chicken! Hmmmmm.smells good! it taste good also!!!! Yummmmmmy!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

how do ur feel today? i am happy! and SAD!

I am sad is because of i have lost a book,name called: THE SECRET TREE! i am finding it now.but still havent found yet...

In the Morning...erm...happy

Today i am happy is because of my facebook pet society has a present for me!!!!

Today's life.....happy!

today.....HAPPY! my father promise me to bring me to wild wild wet this sunday!!!!! yay! Hooray!