Friday, July 30, 2010

Saturday time

Yay! finally is Weekend! Today i am going to Tampines with my Father.also buying national day's clothes.Red and using china people webside for chatting,it is the poupular one,QQ...chatting with my Uncle FUN.!

Friday, July 9, 2010

So bored

I am so BORED! nothing to do,even computer is also bored. I wish I can have PSP or DS........but my father say need to wait until the report book and see wherether my marks is at least difficut. Jan-May is 357.00 June-Nov need 360.00!......

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



Oh No!

Wish yesterday spelling and 听写 correct! I am very afarid of my father would scold me for nv getting full marks! wish it will be correct! Pls........

Monday, July 5, 2010

National Day !

Yay! you feel happy? NATIONAL DAY is coming!!!! I like it because can sing national songs! and take singapore flag! my father promise me to buy a big singapore flag to hang on my block's wall! Yay!